First off I just wan't to say that this is my first blog. Second I want to say welcome to The Good In All of Us. I will try my hardest not to post my political opinions, I will talk about what is happening, though. It is my goal to report the news and let you make your own opinion on what is happening in our world. I will also talk about soldiers and police, so fair warning if you have a problem with that then leave. I am a strong police supporter, so as I said before, if you have a problem with that  then leave. Also I wanted to put out there that though I might be a police supporter that does not mean I imminently think everything the police do is right, I know they are capable of wrongdoing. I wish that you keep an open mind and heart, don't blame other people for what bad is going on in the world. I also need you to remember that whatever happens, whatever bad, whatever good, that there are good people in this world, people that would do anything to make your day or see you smile. Third, thank you, each and every person who sticks with me, thank you.


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